Active SVIN members may apply for the FSVIN membership if they meet the following criteria:

  • Applicant must be an Active member of the Society of Vascular and Interventional Neurology for a minimum of 7 consecutive years and must have attended at least 5 SVIN Annual Meetings.
  • Applicant/Nominee must be actively involved in the Society’s business and contribute to its well-being and development (e.g. through service on SVIN Committees and Taskforces; active reviewer for the SVIN journal, etc.). A minimum of 50% attendance on Committees or Taskforces is required. 
  • Applicant must show their chief interest is directed toward practice, teaching, or research in Vascular or Interventional Neurology.
  • Applicant/nominee must have demonstrated special achievement in the neurosciences or the clinical practice of vascular and/or interventional neurology, with significant and continuing service as an educator, significant scientific or clinical research, or significant contribution to the medical literature pertaining to these fields
  • Applicant must have an overall professional reputation and standing, as determined by the SVIN Board of Directors or SVIN Executive Committee, that qualifies the candidate for this premier designation.

In order to apply, applicants must submit the following materials:

  • A completed FSVIN Application
  • An updated Cirriculum Vitae
  • A cover letter outlining the applicant’s contributions to the Society and/or the field of Vascular and Interventional Neurology. It should contain information about how the applicant meets the requirements mentioned above.
  • One recommendation letter from a fellow FSVIN member.

CLICK HERE to review the SVIN Application Process details.

First Name *
Last Name *
Affiliation/Institution *
Address Line 1 *
Address Line 2
City *
State/Providence *
Zip Code *
Country *
Telephone *
Email *
I am Board Certified in (specialty): *
Date of Board Certification *
I have been active member of SVIN since (date) *
I have attended the following SVIN annual meetings (years): *
Please type your cover letter outlining your contributions to the Society and/or the field of Vascular and Interventional Neurology. *
(Maximum characters: 2000)
You have characters left.
Please attach your CV.
Please attach your cover letter.
Please attach one written letter of recommendation.

Thank you for your application.



Fields marked with * are required.

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