Take 40 seconds out of your day today and help us raise awareness of stroke events throughout the US and around the World as we approach this year’s World Stroke Day on October 29.

Why 40 seconds you ask?  According to the CDC, a stroke event happens every 40 seconds across the United States.

SVIN wants to create awareness around these events leading up to World Stroke Day on October 29 by challenging everyone to the #NoMercyOnStroke Pushup Challenge, leveraging the previous work from the #ELVOpushupchallenge.

Here’s the challenge!

  • Step 1: Press record (ensuring no PHI is around or visible).
  • Step 2. Read the script below.
  • Step 3: Do pushups (or any wellness activity!) for 40 seconds.
  • Step 4: Nominate your peers by tagging them on social media!

Here’s the script: “Every 40 seconds in the US, someone has a stroke. I’m raising awareness together with SVIN to honor the victims of these events with the SVIN No Mercy On Stroke Pushup Challenge.”

If you don’t want to do pushups or record but you still want to participate, please consider donating to SVIN at the link below.  All funds will go to support raising awareness of stroke!


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