World Stroke Day - SVIN Latest Clinical Trials and Breaking Science News

Posted: 10/29/2018


SVIN’s 2018 annual meeting to showcase breakthrough technology on stroke thrombectomy offering a ray of hope for stroke patients worldwide

The results of latest clinical trials and breaking science news related to the use of vacuum aspiration for removing blood clots in stroke patients will be presented at the upcoming SVIN annual meeting in San Diego.

Minneapolis, Minnesota (October 29, 2018) – Society of Vascular and Interventional Neurology

The Society of Vascular and Interventional Neurology (SVIN) would like to announce today on World Stroke Day that it stands committed to the advancement of scientific research to improve the lives of stroke (aka brain-attack) patients worldwide. Stroke and interventional neurologists, who are members of the SVIN, working collaboratively with interventional neuro-radiologists and endovascular neurosurgeons have played a pivotal role in clinical trials pioneering the use of clot retrieval devices, such as retrievable stents and vacuum aspiration devices, also referred to as stroke thrombectomy.

“This collaborative effort, with stroke surgeons worldwide, has led to the establishment of stroke thrombectomy as a standard of care for large vessel occlusion (LVO) stroke.” explains Italo Linfante, MD FAHA FSVIN, current President of the SVIN. “We are at a very exciting phase in brain-attack care similar to heart-attack care in the mid-90’s. The results of the latest clinical trials and breaking news on next-generation devices that can transform stroke thrombectomy in the next decade, will be among the key highlights at our upcoming annual meeting.” summarizes Dr. Linfante.

In the past year, there have been two randomized clinical trials (ASTER and COMPASS) evaluating the role of vacuum aspiration for removing blood clots in LVO stroke patients. In addition, there have been two randomized clinical trials evaluating the role of stroke thrombectomy in extended treatment time windows (DAWN: within 6-24 hours and DEFUSE 3: within 6-16 hours of stroke onset) to benefit LVO stroke patients including those who wake up with a stroke.

“We are pleased to announce that the results of another landmark clinical trial for stroke thrombectomy, namely the POSITIVE Stroke Clinical Trial will be presented at the upcoming SVIN annual meeting.” reiterates Ameer E. Hassan, DO FAHA FSVIN, Chair of SVIN’s 2018 annual meeting. Lead authors Drs. J Mocco and Aquilla Turk, along with their POSITIVE trial collaborators will be presenting the results of the POSITIVE (PerfusiOn Imaging Selection of Ischemic STroke PatIents for EndoVascular ThErapy) Stroke Clinical Trial ( NCT01852201). This is a randomized clinical trial comparing endovascular treatment (stroke thrombectomy with vacuum aspiration or a retrievable stent, separately or in combination) versus best medical therapy in LVO stroke patients with appropriate imaging selection within 6-12 hours of stroke onset.

A panel of leading stroke experts rigorously reviewed over 150 scientific research submissions to select the latest clinical trials and breakthrough technology to be showcased at the SVIN’s 2018 annual meeting. Thanh Nguyen, MD FRCPc FAHA FSVIN, Chair of SVIN’s scientific research committee explains, “In addition to the latest clinical trials, we want to showcase the groundbreaking science behind the most innovative devices that have tremendous potential to improve stroke thrombectomy worldwide.”

One such news is from lead authors Drs. Miklos Marosfoi and Matthew J. Gounis, who along with their collaborators at the University of Massachusetts, will be presenting foundational research on a new aspiration device platform that can offer cyclical vacuum aspiration (varying the vacuum suction intensity) as a means of improving clot ingestion into aspiration catheters. In addition, they will be presenting the role of cyclical vacuum aspiration in decreasing release of dangerous debris during stroke thrombectomy that could cause secondary stroke.

The SVIN 2018 Annual Meeting will be held November 14-17 in San Diego, California. “We are excited that stroke surgeons, clinical trialists, and innovators worldwide are choosing the SVIN annual meeting forum to present the results of the latest clinical trials and breaking news on next-generation technologies that can have a transformative impact on stroke thrombectomy and thereby improving the lives of stroke patients and their caregivers worldwide.” concludes Dr. Linfante.

For more information about SVIN’s 2018 Annual Meeting or media inquiries about the ground breaking scientific research to be presented by leading stroke experts, please contact Trish Shomion, SVIN Executive Director at (952)-646-2046 or via email

About SVIN

The Society of Vascular and Interventional Neurology was created to achieve the highest level of care for patients through increased collaboration in scientific research and by educating young professionals and training young investigators. The Society also aims to provide opportunities to connect leaders in the field and provide a common ground for dialogue and creation of practice and safety standards. Our mission is to represent the advancement of interventional neurology as a field with the ultimate goal of improving clinical care and outcomes of patients with stroke and cerebrovascular diseases.

The SVIN Annual Meeting is a premier academic venue with scientific presentations covering the full spectrum of cerebrovascular diseases and stroke. Participants have the opportunity to discuss embolectomy, aneurysms and AVMs, subarachnoid and intracranial hemorrhage, endovascular saves and innovative approaches, new device review, international perspectives, and other-related topics. The SVIN 2018 Annual Meeting will be held November 14-17 in San Diego, California. New for 2018, SVIN is pleased to announce a vascular neurology track, an advance practice provider track, a live Basic Stroke Emergency Support course, and a hands on fellows training course. Registration for the SVIN 2018 Annual Meeting is now open.

The official Press Release can also be found here

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