You’re Invited to Share Your Story with SVIN!

We think you have a story that SVIN members would appreciate and we want to spotlight you on our social channels! Here’s what we’re looking for you to share…

Who you are –

  • Where you’re from
  • Where you work
  • Your area of focus/research
  • Your level of training

What interests you –

  • Your life outside of your career
  • Your hobbies
  • What makes you smile/laugh

Last but not least, share why you joined SVIN!

Please send your responses along with a headshot (bonus points for not using a professional headshot!) to SVIN’s marketing contact, Jeff Price at

OR, you can simply record a video below to share with the Society!

Follow the instructions and record your message!

1601 Utica Ave S, Suite 213 | Minneapolis, MN 55416 | 651-265-7843 |
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