SVIN23 Annual Meeting - November 16-18, 2023 - Fontainebleau Miami Beach - Miami Beach, FL

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Thank you for supporting SVIN's 2023 Annual Meeting! To help you promote the value of the event and spread the word, we've developed the following tools that you may share with your network. Your efforts help our society grow stronger and we appreciate you helping us reach the widest audience possible. Here are five ways you can help us promote the Annual Meeting: 

  1. Create a Video and Share It With Your Networks
  2. Send an Email to Your Relevant Contacts
  3. Post About Attending #SVIN23 on Social Media
  4. Post About Speaking at #SVIN23 on Social Media
  5. Print and Hang a Poster in Your Workplace

Create a Video and Share It With Your Networks

A picture is worth a thousand words, and a video is worth so much more!
We want to hear why you're excited to attend Annual Meeting, describing in your own words why SVIN's premier event is worth attending. You could talk about sessions you've attended in the past that made an impact on you, the connections you've made that helped advance your career, and more! SPEAKERS: Please consider talking about the objectives of your session at the Annual Meeting. Our online tool will add the official event banners at the start and end of your video: 

Send an Email to Your Relevant Contacts

Customize the message below and pass it on to your colleagues and contacts that you feel would benefit from attending our 2023 Annual Meeting. If you're speaking at this year's event, we encourage you to create an email encouraging your contacts to attend so they can see your exciting presentation.

Subject: Join Me at #SVIN23 in Miami, Florida!

Dear [Name:],

I invite you to join me at SVIN's 2023 Annual Meeting — the premier international academic gathering covering the full spectrum of cerebrovascular disease — taking place this November 16-18 in Miami, Florida! In the past, I've particularly enjoyed attending SVIN's Annual Meeting because [Insert Reason].

The unique mix of educational programming, networking, and wellness events is specifically designed to provide everyone from trainees and staff all the way through experienced vascular and interventional neurologists with the tools they need to advance their practice. We'll hear from experts in our field on trending topics, recent study results, and more! At Annual Meeting, you're always welcome to share your knowledge and learn from your peers.

And who doesn't love an excuse to visit the beautiful sandy beaches of Miami Beach?

I hope you'll consider joining me there this year! Learn more about SVIN's Annual Meeting here and feel free to reach out if you have any questions about attending. 

[Your Email Signature]

Post About Attending #SVIN23 on Social Media

Save the following image and share it on social media with a message about attending #SVIN23!

Svin 2023 Annual Meeting

Example Post Text: 

Just registered for SVIN's 2023 Annual Meeting in Miami, Florida! I'd love if you joined me this November 16-18. Learn more: #SVIN23

#SVIN23 is only [Insert Time Length] away! Join me and our community of experts in Miami Beach this November 16-18 at my favorite conference of the year. Learn more:

It's official! I'm going to Miami Beach this November 16-18 with the SVIN community. Join us at #SVIN23 for vascular and interventional neurology's premier educational and networking event:

Going to #SVIN23 means a lot to me because [Insert Reason]. Join me in Miami Beach this November:

Post About Speaking at #SVIN23 on Social Media

Speakers, be on the lookout for a specialized graphic with your submitted headshot and session title on it. We ask that you share it with your network along with a blurb about your exciting session and how to join us in Miami! 

Example Post Text: 

I'm excited and honored to speak with the SVIN community at their 2023 Annual Meeting in Miami Beach this November 16-18. My session, titled [Insert Session Name], will cover [Insert Topic Information]. If you'd like to join me, register for #SVIN23 today:

Come see me on stage at #SVIN23 in Miami Beach this November 16-18! My session, which I'm excited to present, will feature [Insert Topic Information]. Looking forward to seeing you there! Join now:

Print and Hang a Poster in Your Workplace

Hanging a poster in a high-traffic area within your place of work is a great way to spread the word about SVIN's Annual Meeting, especially to professionals who may not be currently aware of SVIN! Below you will find a poster that we encourage you to download and print for this purpose. We've included an 8.5-inch x 11-inch version (common printer paper in North America and some parts of South America) and an A4 version (standard in most other regions). 

8.5x11 Inch Version A4 Version

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