The Speaker Registry is a multi-societal initiative started in 2021 to promote better representation of women in Vascular Neurology and Neuroendovascular Surgery. The SVIN is proud to relaunch the speaker registry with open enrollment to all SVIN members outside of training and all women in the field regardless of society affiliation. The speaker registry facilitates the identification of SVIN members and multi-society women of all backgrounds, areas of expertise, and interests to which they can lecture or serve as moderators. Thus far, the registry has been a reference source for national and international societal meetings, webinars, and educational opportunities. A goal is to collaborate across societies and specialties, seeking to continually support the growth and advancement of SVIN members and all women in the field. 




At nearly all stages, mentorship is central to physicians' training and career development. In medicine, trainees and early career physicians benefit from mentorship, helping to nurture their professional development and expanding their opportunities. However, the path to finding a well-suited mentor is not always clear. Thus, the SVIN mentorship program seeks to facilitate these imperative connections for all SVIN members.

Fostering a one-on-one mentor-mentee relationship can allow personal and professional growth for both participants. This relationship may include advising on clinical and research matters, imparting knowledge on career choices, professional development, work-life balance, and advocacy to help build relationships or connections. As the field and practice of medicine continually evolve, the role and activities of mentorship should also evolve.




As a multi-society women's group collaboration (MSWC), the MSWC survey seeks to understand providers' equality, inclusion, and diversity in Neuroendovascular Surgery and Vascular Neurology globally. The survey is open to all providers, out of training, regardless of specialty and societal affiliation. Please help us better understand the current state and disparities globally for providers in the field by taking this brief survey.

Multi-Society Women's Collaborative Survey 

1601 Utica Ave S, Suite 213 | Minneapolis, MN 55416 | 651-265-7843 | info@svin.org
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