Donate to NeuroHeroes – Help Us Feed the Frontline!



Overview - Our Impact - Our Supporters - NeuroHeroes on Twitter

As COVID -19 continues to spread, the utilization of Intensive Care Units (ICUs) has risen exponentially. NeuroCriticalCare(NCC) Units normally devoted to treating neurological and neurosurgical diseases are now treating COVID -19. From the environmental teams who quickly clean rooms, to the care providers who rapidly respond to treat patients with COVID-19, these people are our best frontline defense against the coronavirus.

Through NeuroHeroes, we are empowering you to support them.

100% of your donation to NeuroHeroes buys meals ordered from local restaurants. Since NeuroHeroes started in late March, we have seen that these meals do not only sustain people through their shift but deliver emotional support and show solidarity from the greater neurological community.

Victory against this pandemic will come from the efforts, sacrifices, and ingenuity of individuals banding together doing what they have always done in America: fighting for one another in times of crisis. SVIN is partnering with YoungNIR, Neurocritical Care Society (NCS), and The Aneurysm and AVM Foundation (TAAF) to support this ongoing campaign, and we need your assistance to answer the call. Thankfully, we all have the power to do something and make a difference. Please donate to NeuroHeroes today.

To support this ongoing campaign, SVIN is partnering with YoungNIR. Thank you to our supporters at TAAF and the Neurocritical Care Society.

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NeuroHeroes Supporters

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