2024 SVIN Board of Directors Call for Nominations

SVIN would like to request your nomination/s for two vacant at-large Board of Director seats. You may nominate yourself or other individuals who you feel are qualified. To be eligible for a Board Officer position for the 2024-26 term, candidates must:

  • Be a SVIN member in good standing
  • Be a Clinician, academic, or basic or clinical scientist – members of industry are not eligible
  • Be a Fellow of SVIN OR FSVIN eligible:
    • SVIN member for 7 consecutive years
    • Has attended 5 SVIN Annual Meetings
    • Made special achievements in the field
  • Show active involvement in a SVIN Committee(s)
    • Serve on at least one SVIN committee with 50% attendance at meetings
    • Have served as Chair or Vice Chair of a SVIN Committee, Sub-Committee, or Task Force, OR completed a term on the SVIN Board of Directors

Membership will vote on nominations put forth by the Nominating Committee and Membership. Elected individuals will be announced in November.

Nominate Here

1601 Utica Ave S, Suite 213 | Minneapolis, MN 55416 | 651-265-7843 | info@svin.org
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